Old Progress Reports
Currently I am working on completing milestone 4, which really has caused
me to come up with a full solution to the issue of treating the database as
a database of continuous signals/streams rather than a series of points. I
did not encounter much challenges in defining a data model to represent a
"stream interval" over a time range. But then, I faced a dilemma
about what kind of classes of interpolation ("compression") methods
to support -- what is the minimum that I need in my API to support everything
that I want. There were two major problems with my original concept:
- The compression algorithms were able to store additional data with the
fields to be able to reconstruct intervals later, for example a "slope"
with a linear compression. However, I had no way of representing these hidden
data elements in the "raw" data model (preventing copying/duplication/movement
of data), and the physical data format would be tied to the interpolation
algorithm used (and could not be updated or changed).
- The compression algorithms worked only by being given the "current"
point and are asked if they wish to drop or write it. However, having to
make an interpolation decision with only a single point works only for 0
order interpolation.
For awhile each adjustment to that design I tried would be unworkable in
some way. I didn't want this to hold up my project any longer especially since
I was trying to really focus on reliability and performance than complex interpolation
methods. But then I finally had a breakthrough after reviewing some typical
methods. Many reasonable methods didn't really require anything but the points,
but they do sometimes require to know about points coming ahead in the stream.
Those that do take more parameters than the control points themselves are
either too complicated, I think (NURBS), can be set to, reasonable, "generic"
values (Hermite). I realized that this is true only after some research on
interpolation methods, the most concise and useful I found is at Paul
Bourke's site. So I made two fundamental changes in my design, based on
the above problems, and with the new knowledge of what the algorithms would
really need:
- Remove ability for codecs to save custom fields in the records. Now, the
stored format of the record is exactly the same as the measured format from
the user. This allows verbatim copying between databases if needed without
involving the codec. The codec will need to reconstruct stream intervals
using only the measured values.
- Allow the codecs to see a finite number (defined by them at configuration
time) of adjacent samples before and after the sample they are outputting/reconstructing.
The first change also allowed the separation of the serialization code from
the compression code, which significantly simplified the design by separating
the responsibilities better as well as allowing the compression code to be
potentially used outside of the RealDB context. The new model for both compression
and reconstruction is a stream transformation function. The "look ahead"
and "look behind" features are enabled by the design by allowing
the stream transformation function to be delayed. For example see the table
of interactions below for a theoretical transformation of a stream with 5
samples to a stream with 3:
Input |
Output |
2.0 |
null |
3.0 |
null |
4.0 |
2.0 |
4.0 |
null |
4.5 |
4.0 |
null |
null |
null |
4.5 |
The compression algorithm delays the output by 2 samples (because it wants
to see 2 samples ahead to determine if a sample is needed), and preserves
the first and last samples.
It is expected that 0 order interpolation (deadbands, always sample) need
0 look-ahead, first order needs 1 look-ahead, and higher order like cubic
or hermite need 2 or more look-ahead points. Until I thought of the better
design, I was ready to say that RealDB would only support nothing more complicated
than linear interpolation under the theory that anything else would be too
slow. However, looking at the implementation, cubic and/or Hermite don't involve
a high number of complex operations.
The other thought I had about methods like Cubic and Hermite that work on
4 control points is that the complexity to find the best points could be something
like NP-complete, and I almost ruled it out on that fact, until I thought
that it is conceivable to have O(n) methods that have a chance of being quite
good even though not perfect. I don't intend on researching these techniques
in this project -- I only want to design a framework that could support
such a technique were one to design it. The example technique I used to prove
to myself it could be possible to be practically useful in terms of performance
is this simple shell of an heuristic point-selection algorithm for a cubic/Hermite
interpolation function:
- Know the last 2 points output by the algorithm
- Look at the m+2 most recent points in the stream (the finite sized m keeps
this algorithm linear time with respect to the samples in the stream, complexity
- Consider the last 2 output points and the 2 most recent input points.
Form the interpolation based on these 4 points and check the error of the
interpolation on the m (middle) points.
- If the interpolation's error is under the threshold, drop the 3rd
most recent point.
- If the error is out of threshold, output the 3rd and 2nd most recent
points (and the most recent point becomes part of the "m"
set for the next period).
- If the size of the "m" buffer is full, then output the 2 most
recent points.
There would be some handling of edge cases in the above that I left out for
simplicity, to express the point simply that such an algorithm is feasible
and could be successful in eliminating a significant portion of points.
Current Progress
- I have removed the design allowing custom fields from the codecs and separated
the serialization from the compression code using the stream transformation
concept above.
- I have rebuilt the design and implementation of the "reconstructor"
code to separate deserialization from interval construction, and implemented
the actual look-ahead/look-behind buffers (requested by the reconstructors).
Both steps above have finished tested (via unit testing).
Next Steps
- Finish the codec design modifications outlined above:
- The compression side is mostly done, but effectively implements the
final solution with a fixed 0 look ahead and behind. I need to implement
the actual buffers themselves in the same manner as the reconstruction
- Build a user API call to actually get the intervals out of the reconstructors
- Augment the Record model to support discontinuities (at the beginning
and end of continuous sampling periods), so that the codecs don't try
to interpolate over periods where collection did not take place.
- Finish tasks for milestone 4
- Implement user API calls to read reconstructed record intervals, and
to read records / intervals over specified time ranges (right now only
calls are to read ALL data).
- Implement command-line query tool to output this data
- Complete the final hole in the data model by actually supporting nulls
in the record elements (might overlap with discontinuity concept)
In the last 4 months, there was development and fixing work leading up to
a graphical demonstration program that works on physical disks; demonstrated
on hard drive and removable flash. The demo produced at the middle of May
would occasionally fail to create the database, which was surprising given
the automated testing I had done.
I sat out to create an automated test based on the demo and was able to reproduce
the problem in some cases. There were two bugs:
- When advancing the head (oldest end) of the index block "queue",
I write a flag "headAdvanced" to the header that denotes that
the head pointer points to the actual "real" block, and not to
consider the backup block. The bug is that when writing to the "alternate"
head, I don't clear the "headAdvanced" flag -- if the database
fails immediately after, on reloading the old version of the head is used,
causing previously removed data blocks to appear at the start of a stream,
which usually leads to the same data block being referenced by two indices
(since the DB is always full and transfers blocks in a rolling queue).
- There was an error in calculating the length of the queue when the head
is physically after the tail (wrap-around): the return from the function
was 1 too large. This effectively caused the data index iterator to traverse
the "tail" (newest) block of the queue twice.
I wondered, why didn't my tests where I test failures at every possible I/O
operation detect these bugs? Because I chose parameters such that a single
index block was sufficient to hold all of the indices of a stream; a supported
but degenerate case where head == tail and never moves.
I fixed the two bugs and I have yet to get the demo to fail again. I updated
the original tests and ensured that they failed with the old code. However,
with the new code they get much farther in the test, but still fail. So, I
am still finding some bugs. These tests are needed not just because it's virtually
impossible to duplicate all of the write faults in a real situation, but will
come in critical use when I start "optimizing" some of the naive
code just to get things to "work," in order to meet the complexity
goals for the project (i.e. turn O(n) recovery into O(1), for example).
Updated the milestone 3 acceptance test framework to extend to n streams,
where each stream skips every x records. This allows for streams to write
between 50% to 100% of the full dataset. I haven't figured out how to "test"
the performance aspects -- the test looks for the literal guarantees made
by RealDB. Because RealDB is allowed to reclaim space (deleting records) technically
as long as there are some records and they are in order and the same records
that I've written, the test can pass. I've written some statements to print
that give me a "heuristic" way to check that the test is reasonable.
Here is an example of the results of the full (non-corrupting) run of an 8
stream test with skips = 0, 5, 2, 3, 0, 6, 50, 90. What this means is that
stream 1 skips no records (100%), stream 3 skips 1 out of every 2 records
(50%) and stream 7 skips 1 out of every 50 records (98%).
Total operations performed: 19623
Stream Test0 (ID 0) has 12999 records from 37001 to 50000
Stream Test1 (ID 1) has 10399 records from 37001 to 49999
Stream Test2 (ID 2) has 6499 records from 37001 to 49999
Stream Test3 (ID 3) has 8667 records from 37000 to 50000
Stream Test4 (ID 4) has 13000 records from 37000 to 50000
Stream Test5 (ID 5) has 10833 records from 37000 to 50000
Stream Test6 (ID 6) has 12739 records from 37001 to 49999
Stream Test7 (ID 7) has 12856 records from 37000 to 50000
Note that the time ranges are fairly close together -- the deletion algorithm
always picks the oldest block, which is supposed to try to keep the tail of
each stream together. The fact that the streams each contain proportionally
different records is also a good sign. However, it's hard to write a JUnit
assertion for this since I haven't defined the precise tolerance -- because
of flushing and block boundaries, the stream that outputs half of the records
of another will likely not have exactly half (but close -- within a block's
Every 250 iterations I output the statistics again. Below is an example of
the statistics on iteration 10250 (meaning that after the 10,250th I/O operation
it throws an exception and, if it was a write, changes the target block or
blocks to random data).
Beginning iteration 10250
Stream Test0 (ID 0) has 12999 records from 13501 to 26500
Stream Test1 (ID 1) has 10460 records from 13424 to 26499
Stream Test2 (ID 2) has 6499 records from 13501 to 26499
Stream Test3 (ID 3) has 8666 records from 13501 to 26500
Stream Test4 (ID 4) has 12999 records from 13500 to 26499
Stream Test5 (ID 5) has 10909 records from 13408 to 26499
Stream Test6 (ID 6) has 12890 records from 13346 to 26499
Stream Test7 (ID 7) has 12854 records from 13501 to 26499
We can see from this example that the tails are pretty close together and
so are the ratios, which gives a good impression that the transaction and
recovery handling is not just passing the strict requirements but also is
performing reasonably. An additional piece of evidence is that the total number
of records is close to the non-failing example.
Milestone 3 Caveats
In my last status update I forgot to mention that not everything is clean
-- there are some limitations:
- The performance of recovery is very slow. To minimize risk, the recovery
manager is very naive and scans the entire database to check if the transaction
suceeded. This algorithm is O(n) in the number of data point in the system,
whereas my goal is constant (although really meaning linear with respect
to a number of streams, which is constant for a given database). I think
this can be achieved by only examining the first and last blocks of each
index, rather than the whole thing.
- There is no capability for the transaction manager to force commits of
transactions when the transaction log is full, mostly because it doesn't
know when a particular transaction is ready. If the log fills up, the database
fails. The log size is configurable, and should be bounded; however, I'd
like RealDB to work with logs of any size.
- The performance of transaction log flushes is slow: the entire log is
rewritten when any item is changed. Fortunately, due to the system written
earlier I do detect that that flush will flush many other transactions,
so there are no "useless" flushes, and because I delay writes
until I have to, a single (forced) write could flush many items.
Summary: Although 2 months have passed without a progress report, a lot of
work has been done. The version on 25-Nov was not capable of space management
(reclaiming the oldest block to write new data), nor was it capable of handling
corruption. 39 revisions of code later, RealDB now has space management and
is capable of handling file storage failures at any point. Tentatively I am
calling milestone 3 completed, but I want to clean up a few loose ends.
Features/Details of work
- Implementation of the DataBlockManager, which implements the space management
system and coordinates the activities of the DataStream, DataIndex, and
BlockPool to perform fail-safe operations
- Implementation of the new BlockPool interface/implementation, which implements
the "free block" pool as well as the transactions. It may sound
like there is not proper division of responsibilites in this class, but
transactions are explained in more detail later.
- Augmentation of IO subsystem:
- Adaptors such as ByteBufferDataOutput to allow ByteBuffer to implement
DataOutput interface
- New types of BlockFile implemenations:
- DebuggingBlockFile - print out which blocks are being read/written
to standard output
- ProfilingBlockFile - collects statistics on reads/writes; currently
used to get number of I/Os performed
- FailingBlockFile - allows injection of faults after a set number
of I/O operations
- Refactor "reliable" sequenced block writing into a generic
- JUnit unit tests for almost all of the new components
- Bugfixes in previous code discovered while implementing the new functionalities
Milestone 3 Acceptance Test
As an acceptance test to confirm completion of milestone 3, created a JUnit-based
automated test similar to the one in milestone 2. The key component in this
test is the usage of the FailingBlockFile, which allows throwing an IOException
after x calls into the API and, if the call was a write, overwrites the entire
block (or set of blocks if a multi-block call) with random data. The steps
in this test are as follows:
- Create a database with an RDL file input and pointed to an in-memory BlockFile
implementation (ByteArrayBlockFile)
- Wrap the file with a ProfilingBlockFile and run the test, and record the
number of I/O operations performed (7969 in my test):
- Write 200,000 unique, ordered, records into a single stream. The database
is small enough that 200,000 records is enough to fill up the whole
database many times.
- Every 500 records, perform a manual flush operation.
- Close the database and reload it (creating a wholly new set of objects)
- After the write is complete, re-read the database ensure that the
database contains a set of records that is entirely in order, and includes
records in sequence up to the last flushed or written record. For example,
if we write records 0 to 1345, then the last record flushed is 1000.
If, for example, the database contains records 567 to 1000, or 950 to
1340, those are considered passing tests. If the records are in a different
order or data before the last flush is lost (355 to 900 for example),
the test fails.
- For every integer X from 1 to the number of operations performed:
- Rerun the test, this time with a FailingBlockFile that fails after
X operations are performed, overwriting the target block(s) with random
data if a write fails.
- Skip to step 3 of the test when a failure occurs: reload the database
and re-read all records. The database should reload without exceptions
(recover in 100% of cases), and not have lost any records from before
the last flush, and all records must be in order and contain the correct
The test runs in 461 seconds on my machine to loop over failures in each
of the 7969 operations. It is important to note that the 7969 operations even
includes the operations to actually create the database from an empty file,
so the test also tests for failures when creating the database. However, RealDB
does not guarantee that you can reload such a database. If the database throws
IOException before it is built, the test does not attempt to read any data
and passes.
Unfortunately I had to end up implementing a lightweight transaction system
in RealDB. I wanted initially to stay away from transactions and rely more
on "checkpoints", which scale with the number of flush operations.
However, to adhere to RealDB's guarantees, I only have to do transactions
on the two data index operations: Moving a block from the free pool to an
index and moving a block from one index to another (or to itself).
The key feature in the transaction system to improve the performance is to
not only let multiple transactions be pending at the same time, but also allow
the operations to be scheduled for a different time. Each transaction is a
list of operations represented as object instances implementing
The first operation of a transaction always is to open the transaction by
writing it to disk. The add operation returns a Flushable object itself of
a task that must be performed if the given operation is performed. This ensures
that operations are performed always in order, which is essential for allowing
transaction recovery.
An example might be a transaction that requires the steps A, B, C, D, E.
A coordinator gets a request to perform an operation, which is to be done
as a single transaction. It schedules A, B, C, D, and E to occur in order,
although none of the operations actually occur yet, through calls like "addBlock(
int block, Transaction tx );" If commit is called directly on the transaction,
all 5 operations will occur at that time, in order. But of course there is
more than one piece of data in every block in RealDB. That necessarily means
that if a block is committed on an index, for example, a whole number of transactions
that may be affected.
Let's say that D is the operation to add the item to the index. The coordinator
calls index.addBlock( block, tx ). The index calls tx.addAction( D ) and that
method returns back an object that performs {A,B,C} in order. If index.flush()
is called, say because the client wants to commit some other operation "F",
this might mean that D is about to be written to disk. Therefore, before the
flush occurs, the index calls its object, which performs {A,B,C}, then it
performs D directly. A Transaction remebers what is already done, so if later
a piece of code asks for C to happen, it looks to run {A,B,C} and sees that
those are already completed, and therefore skips those steps.
I am still currently concerned somewhat about circular dependencies, so I
will have to make sure that what can be a transaction is managed properly
and if a circular dependency could happen, it forces an early commit of part
of a transaction. In fact, this is what happens on a smaller scale when a
transaction occurs to transfer a block from the end of a stream to the front
of that same stream. To properly support transaction recovery, I have to make
sure that the removal happens before the add -- and because the head and tail
of the queue could rest in the same physical block, it is possible that the
block cannot be removed before it is added. It would be possible to perform
this operation entirely without a Transaction, but that would require the
coordinator to have a too deep of an understanding of the DataIndex implementation.
Future Plans
I would like to try to solidify that I've met milestone 3 by testing a multiple
stream database and testing on real flash card hardware and creating faults
by actually pulling the drive out of the socket as it is writing. I have a
high confidence that both situations should work because:
- The multiple-stream transaction handling is actually simpler than single-stream,
because in the single-stream case I have to move a block from a stream to
itself in one transaction, which requires extra effort to track, especially
when the head and tail of the stream are in the same physical block.
- I have a high confidence that this will work on real hardware because
I tested failures at each of the 7969 possible failure points on the in-memory
fail in the previous test.
I would also like to extend the test a bit to check to make sure that no
free blocks are unaccounted for. The database could "leak blocks"
but still pass in the scenarios above.
- Significant design work to build a "fail-safe" DataIndex. Operations
are designed so that the index reverts back to its previous state if a write
fails (such as power loss) and is later reloaded. This is done without the
use of extra transactions. Implemented this design and did significant unit
tests, but have not tested failures yet.
- Creation of a new database section BlockPool when I realized that while
DataIndex is fail-safe, operations where I remove a block from one and put
it into another (space management) would not be atomic. If the system fails
at this point, a block would be lost forever, even though both indices are
in a consistent state. The BlockPool's job is to hold these free blocks,
perhaps in a DataIndex of its own. I haven't designed a fail-safe method
for this, and I fear that I will need to use the "transactions"
that I had been aiming to avoid in this project. The BlockPool does work
now and supports serialization -- it just will be unrecoverably corrupt
if the database fails during this operation.
- Rewrite database creation and physical layout now that "real"
index/pool/data sections exist. The new version is agnostic to the implementation
of the sections by searching for the best parameter selection (goal is to
maximize data blocks). The old version used algebra to find the section
sizes but needed to know their exact implementation.
- Implementation of a very basic read API and reconstructor API to build
back the output from the compressors (writers that might filter some data
going to disk). Only "SampledAlgorithm" written so far, which
reads and writes every point. Updated milestone 2 integration test to re-read
the actual records that it wrote to a serialized database, through the DataIndex,
DataStream, and RecordReconstructors.
Next Steps to complete milestone 3:
- Design work (on paper) of fail-safe I/O operations for the BlockPool,
to support space management (deleting block from one stream and giving it
to another).
- Implementation of the space management algorithm itself, which is already
mostly completed.
- DataIndex now implemented to the level to support formatting (creating
the initial structure for an empty index on disk), and reloading of that
index from disk. Tested through unit test running on an in-memory file.
- "Completion" and testing of DataIndexHeader, IndexBlock, IndexBlockFactory
- I've realized now a few things:
- The current rate of effort I've been giving isn't the amount that
I was hoping to give. I am working on planning my time better
- There is a bit more work to do than I had estimated
- My ordering of milestones 3 and 4 are a bit off, because I basically
need to implement all of the low-level stuff for reading in order to
implement space management, and I really ought to implement reading
now so that I can properly test my writing. So, when milestone 3 is
done, about 25% of milestone 4 will already be done.
- Beginning of work on DataIndex implementation (implements the data block
index for a data stream). Conversion of fields from design on paper into
- Updated unit tests to adapt to changes in some stub classes used earlier,
since actual metadata loading is done, some were failing as they tried to
serialize not-yet-implemented classes.
- Draft design for DataIndexHeader and IndexBlock.
- Implementation of JUnit-based "integration" test TestWriteSingleStreamDatabase,
to validate milestone 2. I have other unit tests, but I call this an integration
test since I use the components of the system as if I was an external user
and do not restrict myself to a module. The "real" classes instead
of mocks are used, with the exception of the I/O is done to in-memory files
instead of a physical disk. This test:
- Sets up a block file in memory -- write to byte[] instead of File
- Loads an (in-memory) RDL file that defines the database, and create
database with it
- "Close" the database then reopen it to re-read everything
that was created
- Verify that the streams in the database match what I said in the RDL
- Write 2000 records to the stream
- Validate that data was written by checking the first 2 full records
in the first block and the record count and first timestamp of all following
blocks -- because there is no read API yet my test has to assume internal
details (and thus break the "integration" concept), but when
the read API is complete this step will be rewritten to read back in the
data that was just written.
- Started write-only implementation of DataStream and code in database model
to support this
- Beginning implementation of the DataBlock and DataBlockAllocator, the
latter will implement the space management strategy for the system (the
indexes and DataSection/DataBlock handle the details "tactic")
- Implementation of compressor side of SamplingAlgorithm
- Construction of ElementWriter framework to allow algorithms to write data
without knowing the type of that data (and therefore the details of how
it is serialized). Factories (ElementWriterFactory) are used to construct
the appropriate handlers in an abstract manner.
- Creation of a GenericRecord framework to hold the timestamps and ordered
objects for a stream record
- Implementation of unsigned data type classes
- Working towards being able to serialize actual record elements
- Miscellaneous code cleanup and error handling improvements
- Design and implementation of the RDL (RealDB Definition Language) as an
ANTLR grammar
- Implementation of database creation and loading code (index and data section
not complete), enough to round-trip a database
- Implementation of command line tool to create a database file from an
- Significant development of metadata objects and unit tests of creating
and loading the MetadataSection. Still may need some rework, but getting
- Creation of in-memory BlockFile implementation for testing.
- Design for data index section done out on paper, including handling details
of handling safe-commits.
- Updated proposal (SVN revision 81) Updated
schedule for milestones 1 and 2 slightly, and made notes about improving
references in the final report.
- Wrote out on paper a DB structure, breaking it up into four sections:
file header, metadata section, data index section, and data section. Started
object model to construct these and some code to write them on disk.
- Performed the final round of testing on Linux again to confirm the earlier
results, including confirming the operation on the raw partition. Currently
only the Sun JVM is capable of using raw partitions (results
- I think I have a handle on the corruption. My thought is that when writing
synchronously, most of the time is actually spent not writing, so it was
just very hard to actually cause corruption by pulling out the card. Whenever
I did cause corruption, I always got 128k byte blocks written out. Because
I am writing random data, I can't confirm if there is some block management
system giving the appearance of fail-safe 128k blocks or if they are going
random. Either way, I feel confident enough now that there is hardware with
an upper-bound on the amount of corruption and it won't corrupt any previously
written blocks to continue with the project. (Results
log here). Probably my next step is to confirm that everything works
in Linux, and when using a raw partition, and then just move on with the
actual design.
- Updated proposal (revision 72) to alphabetize
references and updated schedule.
- Improvements and more tests with CorruptionTest experimental code
- Still trying to quantify and qualify my assertions of whether or not
corruption occurs as I expected. Still not producing corruption in Windows,
somehow even with 1MB buffers. I really don't think that I am using
the checksum improperly.
- Improvements to the file layout produced by CorruptionTest: Added
block numbers, timestamps to each block, random data, CRC32 checksum.
- Improvements to the error detection and reporting, to try to check
for more possible fault conditions that may otherwise look like success.
- Results:
- July 13: (Windows)
tried 256 byte block size, saw different caching behavior. Could not
cause corruption.
- July 14: (Windows)
test using timestamps in the blocks, either worked (usually) or produced
a drive that Windows wouldn't read (once) -- still could not get a corrupted
- July 16: (Windows)
using "rwd" synched writing mode now, tried 256 byte block
sizes. Could not corrupt the disk. I could get a file partially written,
but any data that I wrote came out perfectly -- i.e. no blocks with
garbage, either 100% old content or 100% new content in each block.
Even happened with 64k and 1MB block sizes -- this I can't believe!
- Earlier work from June:
- Installation and set up of development environments (Sun J2SE 6 Windows
XP/Linux and Ubuntu Linux 8.04 with GCJ 4.2.3)
- Test accessing/creating/writing fixed size files in all three environments,
everything works except that GCJ 4.2.3 is not able to properly open
special block device files on Linux (i.e. /dev/hdb1).
- Creation of initial layout of classes and packages with some very preliminary
prototyping of some core interfaces; only low-level BlockFile API implemented.
Expectation that this will change as the design progresses.
- Creation of CorruptionTest class that uses BlockFile API to perform various
file IO operations to further test accessing flash hardware and test how
corruption results in power-loss scenarios and plugging in/out cards while
writing. These tests were done on a fixed-size file on a FAT16-formatted
compact flash card.
- Results of the tests
done so far with Windows XP - could not get corruption to occur
in a handful of trials, except once, which produced a card that when
I attempted to read the file, the hardware shutoff (or the driver in
XP cut off the USB port). Windows does not perform much caching on the
write side.
- Results of the tests
done so far with Linux - corruption did occur, but multiple blocks
were corrupted, which was not as I expected. Linux also performs heavy
caching of both write and read.
- Future work: follow-up research to further understand current results
- Improve code to provide more details on what is corrupted and how
rather than just detecting that it happened and in what quantity.
- Try to use "synchronous" writing mode (as provided by Java
APIs), and possibly sync/flush in Linux
- Discover the effects by different block sizes
- Perform the tests (Linux only) on raw partitions, without file systems
- No source code yet until proposal is finalized and license/IP issues are
sorted out.
- Updated draft proposal (revision 39)
- Write proof-of-concept section.
- Rewrite of schedule section, break out into milestones, and better
date estimates.
- Place for signatures on front page
All content on this web site is copyright © 1998-2014 by Jason Winnebeck, unless otherwise noted.